Monday, January 21, 2013

You May Be Interested To Hear More About HCG Oral Drops

photo_44271_20110601There has been a lot of discussion lately regarding the HCG drops and whether or not they are really effective and safe. There have been articles online and even discussion on the famous TV doctor’s program regarding the facts and testimonials about this type of diet. We can attempt to uncover what this product actually is and why it works so well.

You first should know that HCG is a glycoprotein hormone that was discovered in the 1950s to help patients shed pounds very rapidly when it was used with a specialized five hundred calorie per day diet. Once you understand how it functions it will not appear to be quite so radical. Normally this hormone is produced by women when they are pregnant to make certain that the fetus receives nutrients in the proper amounts that they need. It was discovered that when patients who were either male or female used the HCG drops diet plan it eliminated the feelings of hunger as the body was re-directed to burn off the stored fat in their bodies to take the place of calories that were needed each day.

Most diet products are available in the form of a pill or capsule or are administered by injection as most of us may know. The drops are administered orally each day by placing a few drops under your tongue where there are many capillaries located, which allows the HCG drops to be absorbed into your bloodstream very rapidly. The hypothalamus area of your brain is triggered by these drops to release the abnormal fat stores in your body that replace the reduced caloric intake from your special diet forcing the body to use the stored fat instead.

You should check to make sure that the HCG drops for weight loss for weight loss are manufactured in the United States using a professional grade of HCG in a colloidal mineral water base without any alcohol. Checking for these things will help make certain that you are selecting a quality product that is from a very reputable source that should also provide a satisfaction guarantee with any product purchase. You also should have received an easy to understand diet guide and diet tracking sheets. You should also receive quick and easy recipes to complete your plan along with charts listing approved foods.

Now when you think about it, this does seem quite realistic considering that your body is redirected to burn off fat that was stored in those problem areas to replace a lower intake of calories. The result will be losing pounds and inches as your pangs of hunger are reduced making it possible to eat less as your metabolism is re-set.

If you are intrigued by this, but have questions or would like to find out more just check out HCG Drops and try to read also this helpful link.

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You May Be Interested To Hear More About HCG Oral Drops

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