Should you go into the kitchen to prepare a meal, and the initial thing you get is a recipe and you adhere to the recipe, and you work with the recipe, eventually you’ll master that dish, period. Once you’ve perfected it and made it a few times, you can make the dish continuously, and you’ll remember the recipe. You don’t have to keep going back to the recipe manual.
It is the same in life. Should you hang around positive lively people, you undoubtedly WILL become vibrant thus ceasing your depressive states.
Now getting back to your dish, if somebody says, “Boy, that’s genuinely tasty,” you don’t say, “Well, it’s a miracle,” like something out of voodoo. No, you just followed an established recipe that’s been figured out by people before you actually, and that’s simply the key to success and happiness in life. If you would like be successful in starting a small business, then you study what folks have learned and everything that humans have learned, they’ve recorded or have discussed in seminars or put onto audio programs.
It is the very same in life. There is a formula for the good life. The formula has long been worked out for you. So you must live it.
I discovered this from a very wise man named Kopmeyer who spent greater than 50 years studying success in life, and he had developed greater than 1,000 success principles that he had derived out of something similar to 6,000 books, and one day he was asked the issue, “Of all these thousand principles, which is the most significant principle of all?” And he said, “it’s simple,” he said, “use proven success techniques.” He said, “Learn from your experts – the people who are vibrant and have true zest for life.” He stated, “you’ll never live long enough to learn everything for yourself.”
So what I find is that successful people are those who learn from others who definitely have gone before them. Unsuccessful or depressed people try to make it all up. Like a cook going into the kitchen, taking ingredients out from the kitchen cabinet, throwing every one of them in a bowl and wondering why it doesn’t taste good. That’s why people with sales careers, why 80% of sales people are working well below their potential, and only 20% make all the money, why 20% of businesses in any industry make all the profits, why 20% of the professionals in any service make 80% of the money and etc . is simply because they follow proven success principles, proven recipes, proven formulas, proven combinations, plus they simply do them over and over again until they excel at them. Then they can do more and more of them, quicker and faster, easier at a higher-level of quality, and all that results in greater improvements.
So regarding depression, you can get away from depression by doing what positive people do. You have got to model their behaviors, their thoughts, their daily mode of operation. Should you have a positive outgoing family member, you must be trying to spend as much time as possible with him or her. Seeking help or guidance is a sign of strength. You know now from scanning this article someone you could possibly approach. Do this today..
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