My new Chakra eBook, with full tone and flattering pictures! Lot’s of information about a Chakras, though some-more importantly, meditations, respirating excercises and opposite ways to change your energy.
The Chakras for Beginners: Essential Aura and Chakra Balancing for Wellness
The Chakras for Beginners shows we how to change your appetite on many levels, to grasp wellness from a inside out. As a tie between a earthy and devout bodies, a chakras offer an event for devout growth, romantic and earthy healing, and personal transformation. In easy to know terms, we will learn what a chakras are and how they work, about your aura, and easy, absolute techniques and meditations for operative with your appetite to overcome a imbalances that retard your spiritual, romantic and earthy good being.
*Colors, crystals, dishes and aromatherapy to change any chakra
*Easy imagining techniques to change your appetite for altogether good being
*Powerful nonetheless easy respirating excercises for health and devout advancement
*Resonance, and how we can come into peace with a healthy rhythms of a Earth
*Basic yoga postures for Chakra balance
*The hazards of male done energies, that interfer with your health and good being
*How to strengthen your energy
The Chakras for Beginners: Essential Aura and Chakra Balancing for Wellness
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