Saturday, May 18, 2013

Useful Tips for Coconut Oil Use

81GxREWX9TL._SY450_It is no wonder that the world has gone nuts over coconut oil! For the body there is nothing like using coconut oil both externally and internally. Here are some tips on using it.

How to use coconut oil: Eat It Add this coconut oil to your daily routine by consuming it. Coconut oil is fast becoming one of the most highly regarded health foods due to its numerous health benefits such as it’s antibacterial properties, immune-enhancing, weight management antifungal qualities. Following are some good ideas for consumption of coconut oil

Make coconut oil an ingredient of a breakfast smoothie for optimum start of the day

You can also mix a tablespoon of it in warm porridge recipes

Even for crackers or bread it can become a lovely spread

You can also add coconut oil to your favorite curry and stir-fry recipes

Roasting vegetables with coconut oil, dried herbs sea salt.

Baking with coconut oil in place of butter.

Coconut oil is a natural skin elixir- Moisturising Agent Some ingredients like coconut oil really work like a natural elixir for skin. It is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, so it is perfect for cleansing and protecting the skin. Skin won’t even look greasy when coconut oil is applied. In a single jar you will be getting anti-wrinkle cream, body lotion, and even stretch mark cream. In short you are getting more for your money!

How to Apply Coconut Oil Hair Mask: When used as a hair mask, coconut oil can do wonders for replenishing hair. Melted coconut oil, just a few teaspoons should do the trick but you have to wash it out. It will leave your hair very shiny and smooth!

Makeup Remover Use: This is a simple way to cleanse your face of makeup. Just take a cotton pad and dab some coconut oil on it and rub over your face and eyes or rub directly onto the face and then wash off with a flannel and warm water.

Use to Heal Insect Bites and Other Cuts: Coconut oil used over cuts and scrapes can protect the wound from bacteria and dust. When applied directly to insect bites, it can help to minimise the itching sensation. In order to get faster healing this is the best solution.

How to Make Foot Bath from Coconut Oil: Pop your feet into a warm footbath with three tablespoons of coconut oil melted in. You can even use other essential oils. The lauric acid in coconut oil may assist with fighting fungal infections.

Making Coconut oil Body Scrub: Mix some sea salt with your coconut oil and use it as a scrub for the body. It is very rejuvenating and can leave your skin soft and glowing.

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Useful Tips for Coconut Oil Use

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