Thursday, April 4, 2013

Anxiety Medication Side Effects: Are they Worth It?

photo_46658_20110618It’s understandable why people will seek any means necessary to control the paralyzing nature of anxiety, including prescription medication. And it seems very “mainstream”, however, the use of psychiatric medication for anxiety comes with many, many side effects which may even be worse than the anxiety itself! Read on, to discover the all natural, drug free, powerfully simple solution that thousands have used to help reduce, and even eliminate anxiety.

Headaches, Nausea, Dizziness, Sexual Dysfunction, Addiction: And This Medication is Supposed to be Helping Me?

Several medications are often used to treat anxiety. They include anti-depressants, such as Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft, as well as anti-anxiety medications, such as Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, and Ativan, and even beta blocker heart medication such as Inderal and Inderide. In addition to the side effects above, other side effects include weight gain, nervousness, dry mouth, difficulty sleeping, weakness, loss of appetite, seizures, tremors, sweating, impotence, and anxiety!

In fact, in 2004, the FDA required drug companies to include in their labeling a warning statement that recommends close observation of patients treated with these drugs for worsening depression or the emergence of suicidality. These medications may even make anxiety worse, to the point of suicide. The point is not to cause you more anxiety, it’s to let you know there is a drug free, natural, low cost alternative. Sound healing self hypnosis and subliminal programming can teach you how to manage your anxiety easily and quickly. You will soon see improvements in your relationships, develop a more positive attitude and achieve emotional wellness, all with no negative drug side effects. Download an MP3 today, and amaze yourself with how well you deal with your anxiety, without resorting to medication. Let prescription drugs be your last resort. Life can be good! There is a better way, a healthy and natural way to let your anxiety go without drugs. You deserve to live it to the fullest, free of both your anxiety, and the horrible side effects of psychiatric medication. You can be free!

Click here for live, professional, online counseling, by phone or chat, for your anxiety. Widgets

Anxiety Medication Side Effects: Are they Worth It?

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